Mitutoyo HR Objectives and pixel size

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Lou Jost
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Re: Mitutoyo HR Objectives and pixel size

Post by Lou Jost »

IMAGOμM wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:25 am

Thanks for the suggestion and the subsequent clarification, now it's all clear to me. I hadn't considered that this trick is valid for lenses that are not perfectly aligned. I will mount an LF lens as a tube lens for a defective Mitutoyo bought used and that I couldn't check in time, as happened to you. Although I doubt that the defect I found is due to a simple misalignment. However, trying doesn't hurt and I will use it on my Horseman modified for Canon Eos EF cameras.
I hope it works for you. I think it is better to buy a dedicated shift adapter on a MF lens than to use a view camera and LF lens, but it will be interesting to see your results.

The best medium format tube lenses that I tested with the Mitu 10x HR were the 200mm Mamiya Apo (645), the 250mm Mamiya Apo-Sekor (6x7), and the 300mm Pentax green-ring M*m lenses (645 and 6x7 both very similar in quality). Of these, the 250mm Apo-Sekor is the best.

If you use a LF camera. you may want to move the subject rather than the camera during stacking.

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