SOLD: Nikon bellows, extender and slide/film holder

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SOLD: Nikon bellows, extender and slide/film holder

Post by enricosavazzi »

I am selling more things, new ads will be coming the next days. I am selling the following items to members, at the indicated prices + actual shipment cost from Sweden (of course it will be cheaper to ship multiple items together, especially lightweight ones). For example, an up to 0.25 Kg trackable parcel to Germany costs approx. 12.5 €, and up to 1 Kg 18 € at current exchange rate.

I am selling only within the EU, and shipping either as registered letter or trackable parcel, depending on lowest cost or your preferences. Payment only by Paypal, I will provide the payment instructions once you decide on a purchase.

All items are second-hand, and several have long been discontinued. All have signs of use. Their condition is good for such items, and fully functional. I cannot guarantee that there will be absolutely no dust in any of these lenses, or an absolute absence of Schneideritis in the Schneider lenses, but these problems are well below the threshold where they may detectably degrade performance.

This ad is for a batch of one Nikon PB-6 bellows, one PB-6E bellows extension, and one PS-6 slide copying adapter. The PS-6 does not include the film roll holders at the sides, but works fine for slides, as well as 35 mm film sections up to 20-25 cm long. The bellows material is light-tight, no pinholes.

If you need a large, continuously variable range of extension and don't have a Nikon Multiphot, Leitz Aristophot or Olympus PMT-35 stand and bellows, this is the only alternative I am aware of to avoid the use of long stacks of extension tubes. I discussed the PB-6E at . The picture shown at the above link shows it mounted on a custom-made base plate, which is not included. The PB-6 extends from 36 to 198 mm. The total extension with both items coupled together ranges from 83 to 438 mm. The PB-6E instructions are available at . The rail of the PB-6 may need to be extended with the rail of the PB-6E in order to make good use of the PS-6.

This is a heavy batch, 2.3 Kg before packing, so shipment may cost around 40 € (50 € if insured).
You may already have one or two of these parts, so I can go along with splitting up this batch. PB-6 alone: 110 € + SH. PB-6E alone: 130 € + SH. PS-6 alone: 50 € + SH. All three: 250 € + SH. Buyer who wants all three will be prioritized.
Last edited by enricosavazzi on Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Ulrik Tønnesen
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Re: FS: Nikon bellows, extender and slide/film holder

Post by Ulrik Tønnesen »

Hi there Enricosavazzi.
Are the items in your post still available? :D

I have been contemplating getting some Nikon bellows hoping that they can help my setup improve.
Given you are located in Sweden and I in Denmark, then shipping shouldn't be too extreme (postnord can be full of surprises though :roll: )

I might need to think this through a bit before deciding, but I could very well be interested :D

Best regards

Posts: 1545
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Location: Västerås, Sweden

Re: FS: Nikon bellows, extender and slide/film holder

Post by enricosavazzi »

Ulrik Tønnesen wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:08 pm
Hi there Enricosavazzi.
Are the items in your post still available? :D

I have been contemplating getting some Nikon bellows hoping that they can help my setup improve.
Given you are located in Sweden and I in Denmark, then shipping shouldn't be too extreme (postnord can be full of surprises though :roll: )

I might need to think this through a bit before deciding, but I could very well be interested :D

Best regards
Hi Ulrik,
yes, still available at present. There has been some interest, but no commitment to buy.

Enrico Savazzi

Ulrik Tønnesen
Posts: 18
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Location: Denmark

Re: FS: Nikon bellows, extender and slide/film holder

Post by Ulrik Tønnesen »

Hi again.
I have made up my mind and decided I would like to purchase the whole set for 250€ + shipping (as per your pricing) :D

Posts: 1545
Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:41 pm
Location: Västerås, Sweden

Re: FS: Nikon bellows, extender and slide/film holder

Post by enricosavazzi »

Ulrik Tønnesen wrote:
Mon Jan 20, 2025 7:58 am
Hi again.
I have made up my mind and decided I would like to purchase the whole set for 250€ + shipping (as per your pricing) :D
Hi Ulrik, please see PM.

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