FAQ: What BBCode tags are available in this forum?

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FAQ: What BBCode tags are available in this forum?

Post by rjlittlefield »

This forum is based on phpBB 3, so it allows all the BBCode tags that are standard for phpBB 3.

Those standard tags are described at https://www.phpbb.com/community/help/bbcode .

In addition, a few special tags have been added for use in this forum. Each of these is described in detail in a separate post in this topic.
The intention is that this top post will get updated as new tags are added.


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[youtube] tag

Post by rjlittlefield »

To embed a YouTube video, use the [youtube] tag to wrap the identifier of the video.

For example, the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FITvrTZqm90 can be embedded as:

Code: Select all

This will display as follows:

Start and end times can be provided as optional arguments.

But note that because of YouTube limitations, these times apply only in a few situations as follows:
  1. Start and end are honored once when playing the embed with its big red button. If you replay the embed, it plays the whole video, not just the part between start and end.
  2. Start is passed to YouTube only through the "Watch on YouTube" link that appears at lower left before watching the embed. If you play the embed and then click the YouTube link at lower right, then YouTube will continue playing the video starting at its current position in the embed, not at the specified start time.
  3. End is never passed to YouTube from the embed, so clicking any button to watch on YouTube will play the full length of the video, not stopping at the specified end time.
Here is an example. I suggest to start by pressing the big red play button and observing that the clip ends automatically after 12 seconds have passed. Then you can refresh this page to check the other behaviors described above.

Code: Select all

[youtube start=6 end=18]FITvrTZqm90[/youtube] 


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Location: Richland, Washington State, USA

Re: FAQ: What BBCode tags are available in this forum?

Post by rjlittlefield »

Tables can be created using the tags "table", "tr", "td", and optionally "th", as follows:

Code: Select all

[th]Header 1[/th]
[th]Header 2[/th]
[td]Row 1, Cell 1[/td]
[td]Row 1, Cell 2[/td]
[td]Row 2, Cell 1[/td]
[td]Row 2, Cell 2[/td]
which produces as a result

 Header 1   Header 2 
 Row 1, Cell 1   Row 1, Cell 2 
 Row 2, Cell 1   Row 2, Cell 2 

There are no options to control general formatting of the table. What you get is what's shown here -- just a bit of white space to separate columns. Table cells, surrounded by td and /td, can contain internal formatting tags such as URL's, images, font size and color.

Tables can also be nested, by making the contents of a [td] cell be another [table] block, for example as used by Adalbert at viewtopic.php?p=301109#p301109 .


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