In theory yes. But whether it's practical is another matter. You may encounter issues with image quality if you're not setting the flange focal distance correctly infinity-1x (meaning when you use the focus ring on the lens).Allthink wrote: ↑Fri Dec 13, 2024 10:25 amHello colleagues again
I have some additional lenses I want to mention, as I still didn't decide the direction to go with.
my current setup also changed, now I have 300mm bellows, so more option for closeups/longer lenses, still with sony camera.
1. If i go with Pentax 645 120mm maco at set it to it's focal f.dist. , it's ~70mm, then i will be able to focus 1:1, and if i move the front standard further, I will be able to get even closer to 2:1, right?
Maybe i will have a job to photograph eye lens which is 6mm in diameter.
Using the lens beyond 1x with extension is not a good idea, it won't be optimised for that, you'd probably be better off using a 2x teleconverter attached directly to the lens.
You're mixing and comparing regular large format lenses with specialised macro lenses for large format and medium format bayonet lenses with internal focusing and medium format lenses for bellows cameras - all with entirely different specifications, requirements and characteristics.2. I have additional macro lenses to mention, what's your opinion on them (I remind that I do have apo-digitar 90mm 4.5 "N"- non macro version)
Rodenstock Apo Sironar Digital Macro 5,6/120 ~1000$
Fujifilm Fujinon A 180/9 - isn't it too dark for using with strobes for macro? because if i close it down to f16, it will need too much flash power
Schneider Makro-Symmar HM 180mm - and if i have to go to ~342mm extention(2*180-18mm) in order to get 1:1?
Rodenstock 210mm f/5.6 Macro-Sironar-N MC BT Copal 3
Schneider apo digitar 120mm macro lens (~800-1000$)
Pentax 120 (~350$) and Mamiya 140 (~200$) macros are still an option for consideration
All of them can be mounted on my tech. camera lens plates
How these lenses perform?
You have to figure out how much extension you can realistically work with and what you want to do, that alone will exclude a lot of focal lengths and lenses, then look at what sort of aperture you would want to have at the highest magnification. Also read up on effective aperture and what that means for macro photography.
The too will exclude a lot of lenses.
With many of those you'll see a difference even on 20MP on FF.
3. I wonder if I will see any difference between them IQ wise up to 60mp on FF?
Depends on what you consider to be "good". On a 60MP FF you'll certainly be disappointed. Also - do you 'want' to work with a 300mm extension just to get to 1x? Is it the working distance you're after or the ability for lens/camera movements? Because you can get that with your 90mm Schneider already.
4. If i buy just regular non-macro dedicated lens like SK/Rodenstock apo 150mm, will it perform good for 1:1, if i extended to 300mm?
CM Fujinon W 180mm f5.6
Schneider Kreuznach Apo Symmar MC 180mm f/5.6
Rodenstock Apo-Sironar-N 180mm F5.6
There's no such thing as a "macro clarity" or "macro details", if what you want is a high resolution image with good clarity for painting repros you need a good lens with low distortion and shoot it with a reasonable aperture under controlled lighting, maybe with the possibility for cross-polarisation.
5. It's not macro related question, but i do photograph paintings for reproductions and canvas macro "clarity"/details are importrant. Currently I use my Nikkors pc-e 45 and 85mm for it, it's OK. Buy If I buy Rodagon-s 60mm HR, will it be much better?
Could you post a link to the "Rodagon-s 60mm HR"? Never heard of such a lens. But generally speaking - what's missing from your current repro images?