A Pollen Project. Part 1. Alstroemeria

Images made through a microscope. All subject types.

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Walter Piorkowski
Posts: 710
Joined: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:42 pm
Location: South Beloit, Ill

A Pollen Project. Part 1. Alstroemeria

Post by Walter Piorkowski »

A Pollen Project. Part 1. Alstroemeria
The subject of this first post is the Peruvian Lilly Alstroemeria. Its pollen grains are quite large at approximately 90 to 115 micrometers in length in my samples. As I made my examination, I was treated to an object not seen in many years. Single and clustered raphides or crystals of calcium oxalate. These I have seen in the seepage of a wound on tropical Hyacinth and Amaryllis plants.
I include an image of one raphide stuck to a pollen grain. At 35 micrometers long and 2 micrometers wide, it is dwarfed by the pollen grain.

Leitz Wetzlar Ortholux microscope with ULTROPAK and U.O. 50x, 0.65 NA objective in mirror condenser.
Leitz MIKAS 1/3x micro camera attachment with 1/3x relay lens and 5x eyepiece.
Sony NEX-7, APS-C, 24.3 MP sensor camera. Magnification on sensor 115x. FOV 0.20 mm.
Single pollen 19 images. Pollen and raphide, 41 images. Both at 1 micron increments stacked in Zerene software.
Photoshop repair of artifacts.

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