I thought I should try to curb my UV imaging addiction for a while, so here's Isthmia nervosa shot at 40x in visible light.
I confess I used visible light of the narrowband blue variety though! One small step at a time, eh?

Moderators: Chris S., Pau, Beatsy, rjlittlefield, ChrisR
Sorry Rik, you'll have to bear with me. I did stack a stereo pair for the 40x result but I don't want to publish that now. I didn't make a stereo pair from the 60x output and already deleted the stack images. I had a lot of other forms to do (in the same mount) and always delete source images after stacking. But I'll reshoot this Isthmia tomorrow and post the result on this thread.rjlittlefield wrote: ↑Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:09 amAs usual, I would love to see the high res version in stereo. I have great hopes for the area on the left side where the two halves of the frustule overlap.
For me this is not a "squeeze", it's more like a friendly hug that is returned in kind!
I hear the words, but my eyes tell me something different. Here is a crossed-eye layout of the most definite example I see:
I think I see what you're looking at, but I interpret it differently. Here is a marked-up crop.If you zoom into the middle of the left hand valve in the full-size 60x image, then pan up to the top, you'll see these buttons tipping back as you move the view up and around the curve. Squint a bit and you'll see 4 of them in profile on the top edge too. At least I think that's what it is.
For what it may help (not exactly what you'd like to see)...